четверг, 24 июля 2014 г.

5 things I can't live without

1. Traveling
There is nothing better in life then traveling! It is the most gorgeous thing on the Earth. And no mater where, when and who you are going with. The only thing that meters is the trip, the emotions and experience you get from it. I do like one quotation:  To travel means to spread your life all over the world. Life is so much short to spend it on the only one place.

2.  Sweets
The fastest way to boost your spirit is to eat a small bar of a sweet. Whenever I feel tired or sad this piece of happiness makes me feel soo much good! My favorite is Ritter Sport with Butter Biscuit. Heaven tastes like this!

3. High heels
Due to my Thumbelina-height I put on hight heels as often as I can. It makes me feel not only higher but more womanly and beautiful. There is really some magic happens with the mood when you put such lovely shoes.

4. Polaroid
About a year ago a friend of mine presented me a Polaroid. From this very moment a completely fell in love with it. All the polaroid photos are so unusual and can make an ordinary moment really unique. Moreover, my Fujifilm Polarod is tiny and easy to take in trips and anywhere else.

5. Flowers
Flowers are true beauty. Fortunately, I have them quite a lot in my life. And I really can't imagine living without them at home. The smell of them makes we wonna fly and the picture makes me thing about something nice and sweet. Flowers are my sours of inspiration.

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